Sunday, June 28, 2009

Five Years

This is one of my favorite pictures of the St. George Temple, where Greg and I were married 5 years ago today. This picture is the one I have set as my desktop image. Greg and I recently upped our temple goal and we have been blessed to go very often and enjoy the sweet spirit of temple worship. It helps our focus stay on things that really matter, of eternal consequence. I have been reading over the Conference issue of the Ensign and have been learning a lot about the temple and our covenants. I liked this truth from Elder Stevenson's talk: "Understanding the eternal nature of the temple will draw you to your family; understanding the eternal nature of the family will draw you to the temple." Since Greg and I have set our new goals for temple attendance and have made it a higher priority, we have drawn closer to each other and feel help from the Lord in our parenting. We feel very blessed to be so close to a temple! With the nice weather we've been having, we've been able to ride Greg's motorcycle down when we go, which is a lot of fun.

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