Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Time Out for Fun

Kids are great at reminding us to slow down and take a few minutes for nonsense that ends up making perfect sense. Tonight after dinner I gave Kirby the option of watching a movie or playing a game. He said, "Oh! Oh! Can we play that game where you stand up until they break you down?" With some arm gestures and some explanations, I figured out he meant Red Rover. I told him we would need Daddy to play it, too, so we would have enough people so he ran in and said, "Come on, you Red Rover Player!" Jiorji was our cheerleader on the couch, and the rest of us made two teams of two and played Red Rover in the living room. The boys laughed and laughed, and each round ended with big team hugs! I always thought Red Rover was a little violent but it turns out that with a 2- and 4-year-old, it makes great family entertainment!


  1. awesome! so how did the GRE go? I'll be callin to get more details... thanks for posting!
